Courtbrack Community Centre (CCC) represented by the C Shape enclosing the crest is designed, using symbolism and art, to incorporate the culture, traditions, heritage and history unique to our area.
Centrally Fox’s Bridge is represented by a fox crossing the Shournagh River.
The Castle top left is Courtbrack Castle, which was located between Drom Sli and Fox’s Bridge, the existing stone wall being the only remaining trace today.
The Standing Stone/Gallaunto the right is still located in the community field
The skeleton carrying his headstone, crossing the river represents folklore and the moving graveyard (see brief version below).
The crops either side of the River indicate the active farming culture associated with the area.
The Plough Constellation is a tribute to our ancestors who ploughed the furrow before us and the dreams and hopes wished for future generations.
The Shournagh River was a salmon breeding river, portrayed by the swimming fish.
The Tale of Foxes Bridge
Captain Fox, a Cromwellian soldier with blood on his hands, met a grim fate at Fox’s Bridge. It is said he struck down a priest in the midst of saying mass, only to be thrown from his horse and killed himself while an enraged crowd pursued him. They buried him in the old graveyard at Loughane West, where remnants of his resting place remain. But legend tells that on the very night of Fox’s burial, the other spirits in Loughane rose from their graves, lifted their headstones, and crossed the Shournagh River by Gurth Bridge. Together, they journeyed up the hill to Matehy Graveyard, where they finally laid themselves to rest and lie undisturbed to this day.